In the pursuit of being better looking, healthier, more muscular and, overall, more handsome/beautiful, there is an invariable factor that is so tacit and yet so key: the face. This is the very first thing that we notice around us, the part of the body that we most often look at and get looked at. We style our hair accordingly, put make-up and creams on to highlight it and we get upset when it’s not as we want it to look like, either out of envy or jealousy when seeing at other people’s face, or because of that little thing we dislike: our nose, our pimples, our forehead… Sounds familiar?
well, let’s see how we can fix a few things, because yes, you absolutely can enhance the look of your face in order to obtain an attractive face, appear (and be!) healthier, with a glowy skin, vibrant eyes and nicer features. And better yet, all of that done naturally (or as naturally as possible).
Get more Attractive by Decreasing Bodyfat
Obviously, the first matter you should tackle when you want to look more attractive and have more definition throughout the body, especially the face, is to lose fat. Indeed, fat is stored pretty much all around the body but when your bodyfat percentage gets too high, the accumulated fat stored around your face hinders your traits and makes you look more puffy, rounder.

The fix? well, quite simple: get in a caloric deficit, even 200-300kcal below maintenance is enough to kick start some fat loss and better yet, the face is one of the first areas to lean out! If you need help with that, consider checking my services.
NB: although I recommend a caloric restriction, please, do not go overboard with it thinking you need to drop to single digits. We need some fat to stay healthy. Furthermore, you will just end up with a sick and “death face” look. Make sure to pass by my ultimate diet guide article to get a better view on how to proceed.

Check your Sodium Consumption for a more Defined Face
Do you like sushi? Who doesn’t anyway? Or maybe you prefer bread? French baguette? Good choice. Oh better, chips and french fries. And yet, each time you go out and eat those, the next day you got a puffy and bloated look. How come? Is it fat? No, it’s water that comes from the disruption of your sodium/potassium balance.
Allow me to explain: all the foods that I quoted above are very high in sodium intake (or salty, if you prefer). There is nothing wrong with getting salt in, it’s even required for numerous aspects, from thyroid function to digestion, good muscle function to proper cellular processes. However, when you get too much sodium, it actually pulls out the potassium from everywhere it can (blood plasma, neurons…) because your body wants to balance the concentration of electrolytes and water in your cells and whole body.
Thus, you retain more water from your digestive system, but also excrete what you already had “inside” via your intracellular water. That’s why we say to not drink seawater: its salt concentration is so high that it will just pull more and more water out of you until there is none left… which means death.

If you eat that kind of salty food in a moderate amount or once in a while, who cares? But if it’s on a regular basis, you need to lower your consumption and go easy on the nights out and food delivery services.
Get A Smooth and Glowy Skin Face with proper Hydratation
As we have seen above, balancing your salt intake is key. So is your hydration. Indeed, if you do not drink enough, your body will safely store the water it already has in order to survive. Making sure you drink enough water throughout the day will benefit many aspects of your health and processes your body is doing, but also making your face appears clearer and less puffy.
For so many reasons, water is just awesome, be it for helping to clean out the toxins, to support healthy blood and lymph flow and cell energy production, easing digestion for people prone to constipation, etc. If you aren’t drinking much water, start with just two supplemental glasses. Then three. Then maybe four. See how your body reacts and adjust, and remember, even though tea and coffee aren’t pure clean water, they kinda count, but still aren’t as hydrating than simple water.
Also, you can also up your hydratation levels by consuming fruits high in water intake such as agrumes and watermelons.

Do not go overboard though! No need to chug 8L of water per day! A reasonable amount is between 1,5 and 4L a day, depending on your build, daily activity and sports practices, as well as how much you sweat. We always drink less during winter and more during summer.
Limit Processed Food in order to Improve Your Complexion
For reasons we already got through here, I still need to hammer the point on how unhealthy and how harmful processed foods can be down the road. From lack of nutrients to easy high caloric intake, they have to be consumed in a controlled and minimal fashion to avoid detrimental effects on your well-being. I can’t help but emphasize again how consuming processed food can also hurt your face complexion in a few points.
Firstly, the processed compounds contained are often inflammatory for your digestive system and disrupt the well-oiled process that digestion is. From this, you can absorb fewer things, or the bad ones, and then develop spots and pimples from said inflammations. Also, if these compounds impact your endocrine system too, it can lead to acne, puffiness and other conditions that most often track back up to thyroid function, which is very sensitive to its environment.
Secondly, these food are easily high in calories, and salt intake, two points we already saw are detrimental to maximizing your look. So, drop the frozen prepared meals, fast foods, snacks and shits, and get more real and raw natural food.

As Jack Lalanne said: “If man made it, don’t eat it”. Again, if it’s a moderate amount here and there, you will be fine. But that should be less than 10% of your overall diet.
Look Attractive by Increasing Your Fruits and Veggies Consumption
That may seem obvious since they are always pushed forward but, again, yes, they even help with your face. We saw above that you need to avoid getting fat and consume too much salt in order to have a defined face. Unsurprisingly, fruits and greens will help with it. How so? Simple: what do you think got more kcal: a sushi box or a full bag of frozen broccoli? What is going to get you full faster: 4 big oranges or half a pizza?

In addition, fruits and veggies are loaded with potassium, the same mineral that balances out sodium. Increasing your greens consumption often leads to better sodium/potassium balance and thus, fewer risks of getting bloated. And I won’t even start on the numerous other things they contain such as fibers, water, trace elements…
Learn How To Properly Clean Your Face
That might seem obvious, and yet, overlooked. First things first, are you actually even washing your face? Breaking news: splashing tap water on it isn’t enough. Most of us live in cities, where air pollution, dust, gas and many others things are getting on our skin and can clog the pores or just leave dirt on it.
Add the air humidity, the sun (more precisely, the UV rays) and the rain (and all the chemical stuff it contains)… You just can’t expect your skin to be clean and glowly without helping it a bit! We explained above how your diet was key for it.
Think of it as the soil that makes a tree grow. Sure, external factors are good, but it needs good internal and underground factors too. Speaking of external help, good cleaning products are a must. Simply using micellar water is sometimes enough to both notice how much dirt is actually on our face and to remove it without harming the skin.
You have to remember that your skin is an organ that protects you from being colonized by anything that could harm you. If you irritate your skin, or if it’s already fragile, problems can happen. Now, how can we gently clean it more thoroughly? Chemical-loaded gels and substances are a big no-no. Simple face cleaners are often full of endocrine perturbators, same for body shower gels and multi-function ones.
What does that leave us with? Good ol’ natural soap.

Don’t go looking further than Castille, Marseille and Alep soap. These are, for me and thousands of others, the best solution to clean your face (and body) without irritating your skin, damaging it or leaving it completely naked from its natural oils (sebum) that feed and protect it. They are made of water, sea salt, baking soda and olive oil (and laurel oil for the Alep one). That’s it. Nothing more.
They both gently wash your skin, leave a thin oil quantity on it while still removing the excess sebum and accumulated daily dirt. Of course, the laurel oil is stronger, so you would need to be mindful of the Alep soap usage since it can leave your skin a bit too dry and irritated if it’s already fragile. However, if it’s oily, bingo! Here are the ones I personally use: raw Castille soap here, Marseille soap here, and Alep soap here.
Many other natural soaps can be good too, but I would advise against them if the ingredients list is longer than 4 or 5 elements. Less is better.
Also, a word of caution with coconut oil since it’s getting more and more mainstream: do not use it on your face as it’s a comedogenic oil (meaning it easily lets a greasy film on your skin and makes it prone to black spots and others problems).
To finish it up with the cleaning, we need a good ol’ scrub. Again, don’t look no further than natural and simple techniques; the first one is to actually use a scrub glove such as this one, or, use an exfoliating thingy.
It can be a cheap ass cream (which I do not recommend), or a natural one like rubbing sugar, or even better, ground coffee. Yup, that’s correct, it is a fantastic exfoliant and helps with skin sebum and ph regulation, making it smooth and glowy. Instead of throwing it into the garbage can, keep your used coffee ground in a box and use it on your face every week, even twice a week if you sweat a lot. Cheap and ultra effective !
Looking to Look Good? Move!
It’s a no-brainer that working out and moving around is good for you. You get to boost circulation, strengthen the bones, muscles, ligaments, hearts, get a better immunity and well-being feeling… But it also helps a ton with your skin quality as nutrients are better transported to your tissues, and a smooth blood and lymph circulation better promotes the elimination of toxins and other metabolic wastes that you naturally produce.
Exercising gives your skin a better tone and glow than your sedentary clone, if we were to compare.

And, of course, it’s harder to store fat if you are burning more calories, so get moving! A simple goal to aim for is about 10 000 steps every day, and at least 2 workouts per week.
The More You Sweat, The Better You Look
Along with all the benefits we talked about above, moving more will also make you sweat, and this is a key factor in getting a smoother and better skin quality.
You see, skin is one of the 5 emunctories organs, meaning it helps to push out wastes and toxins out of the body via pimples formation and, of course, sweat. So the more you sweat, the fewer shits you keep inside, and that is good news for us!
Make sure you keep training, do your cardio and also consider getting some sauna and hammam sessions to take advantage of the sweat they help you produce. They will also be benefitial for your cardiovascular health, muscle recovery, brain health, immune system, and many others things!
Bonus: you will also smell way better!
Better Oils, Creams and Products for a Better Skin
Along with a good cleaning product, having one or two staples to help hydrate, nourish and protect your skin is a must, especially if you deprive your skin from all the dirt and shits but also its natural oils. You then need something nourishing and gentle, that won’t make it go very oily either. I personally like raw products that you can just put on your skin for 15-30mn as a mask, or just rub a tiny amount and go about your day (or night, if you do it just before bed). My personal favorite products are:
- Aloe Vera: just take a little amount and wait for 15-20mn until it’s absorbed, leaving only some dry wastes on your skin. The perfect combination of hydrating and nourishing! Just make sure that you’re not allergic or sensitive first! Here is the one I personally use. Store it in the fridge for better conservation, and additional cooling and “lifting” effect.
- Honey: same as Aloe Vera, just put some on the skin, wait for 15-20mn and wash it out. High-quality honey is a must, but even one that is cheap and cut with syrup and sugar can be good as it will exfoliate too. This is how you kill 3 birds with one stone: nourishment, hydration and exfoliation. Plus, it smells nice. I won’t recommend anything, just see what you can buy that is local, raw and/or organic.
- Shea butter: this one is highly nourishing and can help repair damaged skin, irritations and cuts. However, it can very easily clog your skin, so make sure you only use a tiny amount. You need to barely see that you’ve applied something on your face. I personally just put some on and go on with my day when my skin is very dry, no need to wash it. Even if your skin is pretty oily, it’s still a good idea since the comedogenic effect is very low, just be mindful of the quantity and frequency.
I highly recommend that you have a look at my friend Filomen’oh store and DM her to make an order. Her shea butter is raw, pure and even better than organic since it comes directly from Ivory Coast! Harvested then prepared old-school style by the village women, that’s a cool way to support a small French business that also benefits a full African village.
- Argan oil: very gentle and not comedogenic at all, this is a good oil for your face, body, beard, hair, eyebrows… quite everything! Plus, it smells very nice, some kind of “nutty” smell. As always, make sure you get high-quality and raw oil, and only use a tiny amount. I personally used this one.
- Jojoba oil: the oil that is the closest to the natural human sebum composition. It’s a good choice for the face, whatever your skin type is, and for other uses since it’s pretty “dry” by nature. I have used this one from the same brand above that I like.
That’s all I would suggest, but if you still want to use specific creams and products, make sure they are paraben-free, silicone-free and contain as few ingredients as possible.
The ultimate Tool To Get Handsome Face Features: The JawLiner
I’ve already outlined in great detail how neck training could help you get a more attractive/masculine look. I stand by every word I said: one of the key factors to have a better-defined face is to actually train it. I know how that sounds, but hear me out: one of the key areas that can literally enhance or disadvantage your face is your jaw. More specifically, I’m referring to the main jaw muscle, called masseter. It runs from your bone cheeks down to the sides of your jaw, below the ears.
Getting it bigger will make an immediate and tremendous improvement in how defined and squared your jawline is, thus enhancing your whole face. No better tool to achieve this than the Jawliner gum.

Made in Germany, the Jawliner consists of two mint-flavored pieces of very resistant BPA and PVC free plastic that you safely place in the back of your mouth, under the molar teeth.
Then, you just have to chew hard enough to squeeze them in order to get that handsome look! It might seem easy at first, but within a couple of minutes, your whole face will be on fire and your jaw will feel like it’s about to fall off! What’s even funny is the after, your whole jaw is pumped like a regular muscle, and you look like a hamster.
About 10-20mn a day or every other day is more than enough to notice quick and visible changes in as little as one week, and even more noticeable changes after one month of usage.
Believe me, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman: enhancing your jaw is going to make your whole face look better. If you want to purchase the Jawliner item, and also support this website and all the content I make, use this link to get 10% off your delivery.
I highly appreciate your support and help while gladly recommending high-quality products and information to help you with your health and fitness journey. I hope you now better understand how you can definitely influence your look, and enhance everything you already have.
Please share your questions and comments below. If you want more quality articles about health, fitness, self-care, bodybuilding and life hacks in general, consider subscribing to my newsletter.
If you want to take it to the next level, you just know what you have to do. In the meantime, get rid of those little pimples and get sweating!
Your lightkeeper,
Huge thanks to my friend Guillaume for letting me use his awesome, made in France, Chad face for this article; he is a dear friend who model and train like a beast, you can go check him on his Instagram.
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