Hiya, Bodyweight training is probably the oldest form of resistance training that exists. The ancient Greeks used it, Indians wrestlers are notorious for using bodyweight movements to strengthen their entire bodies, “calisthenics” have been systemized, and we even find traces and anecdotal references among travelers who visited Amerindian tribes, especially Apaches and Iroquois. It helped develop […]
Beginner Weight Training Program
Hi fellow! So, you are a beginner looking for a weight training guide ? Good. The bane of so many people is the lack of knowledge. So they either fear or get emotional. Sometimes, they put their ego aside and just ask for help or begin researching. This article today is dedicated to all the […]
10 Reasons Everyone Should Train
Hello there! Since I dedicate myself and this blog to sharing how to get strong and healthy, it’s nothing but normal to start with sharing with you what’s important to be a better version of yourself. So let’s start with ten reasons why you should train: 1) Strengthen The Body Working out is going to […]