The Silver Era of Bodybuilding seems so far distant and yet so inspiring for all the magnificient athletes and training methods that were born and featured at the time. One of them was how they would use instinct and science at the time to create ‘training drink’ to help them support and fuel their workouts, […]
My Bodybuilding Diet for Strength and Health
Diet comes from ancient greek “diata” meaning “way of life, regiment, dwelling” and doesn’t limit itself to what we ingest, but to our whole lifestyle. For bodybuilding, strength and health, we see thousands of different diet and lifestyle that, if they are honest and helpful toward the people yearning to learn, more or less the […]
Arnold Powerbuilding Training
After his initial first years of training, Arnold Schwarzenegger was already a rising star of the Europe bodybuilding scene. Young weightlifting champion at a mere 15 years old, tried his hand to powerlifting too and owned the deadlift german record for 2 years at only 20, Arnold was a freakishly big and strong guy at […]
AI Chat GPT : the death of Personal Training ?
Chat GPT is an AI system made public that allows you to ask any question, simple or complex, and have this robot browse data bases to give you the best answer, or make you gain time by doing simple tasks, as preparing texts or speeches for you. Another function is the creation of drawing, pictures […]
Arnold Full Body Training : the Golden Six
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most famous bodybuilder athlete ever, and for some, the king of bodybuilding. His life is a literal movie, his accomplishments in sport, cinema and politics seems all to come from different persons. Of course, he became a legendary figure of the weight training scene and as such, his training, diet, methods […]
NeckFlex Review : an Honest Take
Hey! Before you start reading, keep in mind that this is an honest review of the NeckFlex’s neck training harness. Because I’m really satisfied with this gear, I personally use it and recommend it. To ensure transparency, you should be informed that I am sponsored by the brand. Just a friendly reminder though, I’m not […]
JawLiner Review : an Honest Take
Before reading: this article is a honest review of the products made by the Jawliner brand. In that regard, you must know that I am sponsored by the brand, and thus, am of course satisfied by it since I both use it and promote it. Doesn’t mean that I am biased, just a friendly reminder. […]
Jaw Training – Full Jawline Guide
Hi mate, For generations, we’ve constantly strived to be better, higher and greater. This desire to push reveals itself through a variety of sports, particularly combative ones. Indeed, what better way to avoid confrontation or have a higher chance of coming triumphant from one, whether it’s a minor brawl or a full-fledged war? Furthermore, it is […]
How to Get an Attractive Face Naturally in 10 Steps
In the pursuit of being better looking, healthier, more muscular and, overall, more handsome/beautiful, there is an invariable factor that is so tacit and yet so key: the face. This is the very first thing that we notice around us, the part of the body that we most often look at and get looked at. […]
How to Warm Up – Complete Guide
This article provides a no-nonsense approach complete with a tutorial on how to warm up. See, this is a step most often skipped or neglected while it is, in fact, the moment when you can get your body primed for effort, avoid injuries, help your tender joints get more mobile, less painful, and improve your […]
How to Build a Big Neck – Full Guide
Hey there! Historically, people who were looking to build a big neck did so only for combat sports. Nowadays, however, growing a thick neck is becoming increasingly popular among gym-goers. When I started lifting in 2012, I watched gym fails compilations in which people would train their neck and jaw in an innovative way, only […]
Home Training in Confinement – Part 4: – Ancestor’s Edition
Aye! In this final part of the “Home Training in Confinement” epic saga (just kidding), I’ll address the million-dollar question: how did our ancestors manage to be so strong and jacked? Be it through books, films, songs, guides, paintings or drawings, you must have come across antique Greek statues, ancient myths, old legends and well-known […]
Home Training in Confinement – Part 3: Military Edition
On your feet, Soldier! The “Covid-19” code-named war is raging outside. Time to read the third article of my series on home training, in which we already saw some incredible shapes built either by athletes actually getting paid to stay in top shape, or by detainees who have more time to sit on their hands. […]
Home Workout in Confinement – Part 2: Prison Training Edition
Hi there! Still mourning over your home detention? Well, let’s talk about real detention then. In the first article of this series about home workout with little to no equipment, I highlighted that you shouldn’t be afraid and/or feel limited by the restricted amount of training equipment and possibilities that you are dealing with. There […]
Home Workout in Confinement – Part 1: Athletes’ Edition
Aye, mate! So, except if you live under a rock, you can’t possibly have missed all the global mobilization to slow down and prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am no scientist, nor virus expert or anything close or distant related to this. However, I do know one thing or two about home […]
How to Lower and Better Manage Cortisol Levels
Hiya mates! After celebrating Yule, every new year brings its share of usual good resolutions. Here’s an article to help you kickstart this year on a good path, avoid collisions and bring your ship safely to harbor… onto many years yet to come! Understanding and monitoring your cortisol levels will definitely improve your overall wellness, […]
How to Not Get Fat during Holiday Season
Here it is: that time of the year where food is EVERYWHERE. Sweats, tasty meat, potatoes, cakes, sugar, sodas, alcohol… It is that time of the year when so-called fitness nutritionists, experts, coaches will give their absolute/ultimate/best advice regarding how to not look like a round ball after a few days ie. eat normally during […]
The Old School Vince Gironda Meat and Eggs Diet for Fat Loss, Improved Mood and Hormonal Health
Let’s tackle one of the most famous old-school diet in the bodybuilding industry: Vince Gironda’s Meat and Eggs Diet. Vince Gironda, nicknamed the “Iron Guru”, was an extreme and strange character of the bodybuilding scene, especially during the Golden Era in the ’60s, even though he was active since the ’50s during the Silver Era […]
How To Take A Break From Training
Hi mate, Nice to see you here! Following the other articles How to Keep in Shape while Traveling and How to Get Back in Shape After a Layoff of the “time off” series, let’s now deepen into unexpected events and what life can bring us. Sometimes, doesn’t matter how we plan our schedules, last-minute events […]
“The Iron” by Henry Rollins
When I was young, I had no sense of my true self. All I was, was a product of all the fear and humiliation I had suffered. The fear of my parents. The humiliation from the teachers calling me “garbage can” and telling me I’d end up mowing lawns for a living. And the deep-rooted […]
How To Keep In Shape While Traveling
Hello there, I’ve recently written an article on How to Come Back in Shape from a Layoff, be it because of personal issues, busy schedule or traveling/vacation. There is a second article on How to Take a Break From Training, which is more detailed about burn-out or unexpected events. Below, I want to elaborate on […]
How To Get Back In Shape After A Layoff
Perhaps you’ve already read my two other articles How to Keep in Shape while Traveling and How to Take a Break From Training. Now, the following one is perfect if you are planning on coming back to the gym, and if you are not sure of where to begin, and what to expect. Of course, I’ll […]
The Bronze Era Bodybuilding Training of the late XIX century-1930’s
Welcome to the first chapter of my series of articles that deal with a topic dear to my heart: Old School Bodybuilding. When did bodybuilding become popular? How has this industry changed over the decades? Who were the first bodybuilders called the Bronze Era Bodybuilders? Let’s start at the beginning, back in the late 19th […]
The Golden Era Bodybuilding Training of the ’60s-’80s
Before reading any further about the Golden Era Bodybuilding, make sure that you first read the articles on The Bronze Era and The Silver Era of Classic Physique Bodybuilding to get a better understanding of how bodybuilding standards have evolved throughout history. Done? Fine, you are permitted to go on! So, after a half century […]
The Silver Era Bodybuilding Training of the ’40s-’50s
You got a taste of old-school bodybuilding when you stepped back in time to the Bronze Era of Bodybuilding, and now you’re longing for more? How about getting a glimpse of Silver Era Bodybuilding? What made those Silver Era bodybuilders legends during that time? Did they have natural physiques? Are you looking for examples of […]
10 Ways To Sleep Better
Howdy! Nowadays, most of us are ignoring sleep and rest. We are always forced and feel pushed to never sit, never stops, always work, be in movement, watch something. You can’t be tired, you can’t sleep long enough, so you get tired, brain fog, and try to compensate with coffee, energy drinks and other stuff. […]
10 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Fat
So you got your diet checked, you keep going to the gym and working hard to get that long-awaited and hoped-for body. It has been weeks, even months, and you just can’t lose fat. The progress seems to have stalled or is way slower… Why? Think you’re destined for failure when it comes to fat […]
Benefits of Bodyweight Training for a Strong, Sexy and Athletic Body
Hiya, Bodyweight training is probably the oldest form of resistance training that exists. The ancient Greeks used it, Indians wrestlers are notorious for using bodyweight movements to strengthen their entire bodies, “calisthenics” have been systemized, and we even find traces and anecdotal references among travelers who visited Amerindian tribes, especially Apaches and Iroquois. It helped develop […]
10 Amazing Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Hey! It has been years since I have known of this kind of diet. In fact, I tried it before when I was younger but gave it up when I went to college. Afterward, I resumed it and benefited a lot from it… and had to stop it once more because of school. With a […]
The Ultimate Diet Guide in 8 Steps
Hello there, Prior to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and then a Sport Nutritionist, and as someone who has always been lean and on the lighter side of the scale, diet had long been an enigma to me. This is why I wrote this full, complete, ultimate diet guide. But first, a bit of context. […]
Beginner Weight Training Program
Hi fellow! So, you are a beginner looking for a weight training guide ? Good. The bane of so many people is the lack of knowledge. So they either fear or get emotional. Sometimes, they put their ego aside and just ask for help or begin researching. This article today is dedicated to all the […]
10 Reasons Everyone Should Eat Healthy
Howdy, mate! Now that you understand why everyone should train (including yourself), let’s talk about eating habits and the advantages of a clean diet. I know, sounds logical, but there are some you should be aware of. 1) Good Nutrition Makes You Resistant To Disease/Stress The benefits of eating healthy include absorbing more micronutrients. The […]
10 Reasons Everyone Should Train
Hello there! Since I dedicate myself and this blog to sharing how to get strong and healthy, it’s nothing but normal to start with sharing with you what’s important to be a better version of yourself. So let’s start with ten reasons why you should train: 1) Strengthen The Body Working out is going to […]
How to look more Muscular in 8 Steps
You have been training hard and eating clean for a while now to be and look more muscular. It’s been weeks, months, maybe even years. And yet, you aren’t looking as good as you wanted. Sure, gym light, a pump, in a tank top, and you look jacked. But the moment you put on a […]