Hello there!
Since I dedicate myself and this blog to sharing how to get strong and healthy, it’s nothing but normal to start with sharing with you what’s important to be a better version of yourself. So let’s start with ten reasons why you should train:
1) Strengthen The Body
Working out is going to be the #1 way to build your muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones at the same time. Doesn’t matter what your current condition is, if you get into training, it will make you stronger. The more resistance, the more you will grow. Remember, a strong body is a strong mind. Mindset is key!
2) Build Self-Esteem
Working out will help you build a strong body. It will also build character and self-confidence. You will see yourself progressing every day, adding plates, seeing your clothes get loose around the waist and hips but tighter around the shoulders and legs. It is an amazing feeling to be and to feel strong. As Henry Rollins says it: “I have never met a strong person who didn’t have self-respect”.

3) Build Discipline
Nowadays, it’s easy to make excuses, find comfort in being unproductive and unmotivated: social media, victim behavior, a boatload of series to watch in streaming, work shift hours, studies… It didn’t keep thousands of weightlifting champions, elite athletes, busy entrepreneurs and common people away from just standing up and do the work. Whatever the time, the feels, the weather, the politicians… It will take hard work, sacrifice and pain, but it will all be worth it.
4) Get Super Healthy
After months of training, you will notice something: you get fewer flues, colds and headaches. You will sleep better, have better libido and healthier skin. Why? Because lifting also makes your organs more efficient and stronger. So, your immune system will function better, just like the circulatory, digestive and endocrine systems. A virtuous cycle.
5) Prevent Disuses/Diseases
“If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Your personality doesn’t shape your behavior, it is rather the other way round. If you stop using something, your body will get rid of it to preserve itself (this is the law of preservation: what isn’t useful is thrown away). So, if you don’t use your muscles, you will lose them; if you don’t use your nerves, you will lose their impulses. Just like with anything, it’s easier to get sick when your body is weakened and less mobile. Being and keeping in shape enables your body to function optimally. This makes the risks of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes or excess body fat way lower than a clone of yourself who would just impersonate a couch potato watching TV or Youtube. We were build to walk, climb, swim, run, crawl, lift, wrestle. Not stay still all day long, every day -except if you’re dead-.
6) Get A Better Sleep
When you exercise, you fatigue your body but you also produce a lot of hormones. One of them is serotonin, the “pleasure hormone” that makes you feel relaxed and great. It is basically a happiness hormone. Do you know that this hormone is a precursor to melatonin, the principal hormone responsible for falling asleep? Get moving, get some serotonin, relax and cool down at night, so you can enjoy a good regular sleep schedule. Also, regular exercise and regular good sleep equal a better functioning body. Since serotonin is also making you feel better, the depressing state is also suppressed.
7) Get A Great Posture
Look around you: what do you often see? Hunched over people, complaining about neck, shoulders and back pain. Their stomach is sticking out or they are standing like real-life zombies. Why? Because of weak abs, weak lower back, weak upper back and tight shoulders with tight hips. Working out will strengthen and improve the mobility and flexibility of all your body since you will need to develop a good form during your workouts, which will lead to an improved posture in everyday life. Can you imagine? No more back pain, no more tightness in the neck, standing upright, looking straight ahead with a proud chest between wide shoulders with a sleek waist.
8) Make You Look Good Naked
Certainly, the biggest reason a lot of men and women started working out, is to simply improve the feeling of being sexy (cf. self-esteem). Working out will make your body look better and will improve the confidence in the bedroom since you know you will be looking great. It signals to everyone you are a strong and healthy individual who has good genes, and this leads to great sex. Just look at all the fitness ads: males with low body fat, defined muscle and their six-packs out coupled with females who have round glutes, curved low back, wide hips and a skinny waist. Working out is one of the only ways to tone the muscles and make them look that nice.
9) Make You Burn Fat Easier
There is a big dogma that the only way to lose fat is to do cardio and eat like a Middle-Age peasant during famine time. Working out will actually help burn fat. Building muscle costs energy, and the muscle is in itself a living tissue that requires energy just to sustain itself. The more muscle you have, the more kcal you will need just to maintain it. Thus, it’s easier to burn fat if you got more muscle tissues. Also, you can easily turn your workout into a cardio type one: just play with the rest period, do circuits or super-set everything.
If you only do cardio, you will build a bit of muscle at first and burn some fat, but you will end up with a skinny fat look. You don’t want that.
10) Will Improve Your Energy
The final biggest benefit is in the fact the widest one. Picture this: waking up early, feeling sluggish, getting to work, working all day, coming home and being absolutely trashed and tired, lying on the couch all evening watching some videos or series? Getting to bed without being able to sleep well and being depressed without knowing why? That’s because you have low energy. Working out will make you more energized, your body will function faster, better, you will sleep/live/breathe/feel better. Your blood and lymph will flow nicely and all your organs will be better oxygenated. This means your brain will be able to function better, as well as your heart and lungs. Keeping low energy at bay means embracing a better way to live.
And if all of those pieces of information aren’t enough, or if you are driven to get more, check my consulting services.
Your lightkeeper,
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