Howdy, mate!
Now that you understand why everyone should train (including yourself), let’s talk about eating habits and the advantages of a clean diet. I know, sounds logical, but there are some you should be aware of.
1) Good Nutrition Makes You Resistant To Disease/Stress
The benefits of eating healthy include absorbing more micronutrients. The good functioning of the body depends on them on all levels (immune system, eyesight, sleep, digestive tract, heart health…). It’s very unlikely that you could get “too many” micronutrients for a simple reason: due to over-farming and accelerated growth-enhancement methods that don’t allow food to have enough time to absorb earth minerals, we are denied the benefit of healthy food today. So eat your veggies, nuts and fruits!
2) Healthful Eating Will Keep You Leaner
Let’s suppose that we clone you. Twice. So we get two clones and yourself. You three eat the same amount of kcal for a month, and exercise the same activity in the same environment each day. Now, let’s say that you are going to eat fruits only; the second one will only get sugar and the third one is going to eat junk food. When the month is over, who do you think has gained the least amount of fat (when it’s not burned)? Obviously: the winner is the lucky dude who ate only fruits. Here is why: Calories coming from fruits are primarily natural sugar and also contain fiber, water, and micronutrients. What about plain powdered sugar? Well, that’s just a carbohydrate powder that contains no micronutrients. Junk food? A dirty mixture of fat, carb, sugar, and some protein (mostly fat and sugar) with little fiber and very little micronutrients. Healthy food is better absorbed and used by the body. Period.
“There is nothing more addictive than sugar. Not heroin, booze, whatever. It’s much worse than smoking.” – Jack Lalanne

3) Eating Will Makes You Look Good
How often have you seen a healthy person with acne, thin hair, fragile and wrinkled skin, and dull nails? A healthy diet will provide the right ratio of macronutrients and the right amount of micronutrients. You’re naturally going to have glowy, clear skin, thick, shiny hair, strong nails, white teeth, and a clear mind. And this is what’s going to set you apart from others.
4) Eating Will Also Makes You… Sexy!
Logic and science both prove it. Which is more attractive: a fit-looking male/female with glowy skin and smooth hair, or an obese, sick-looking and depressed male/female? Humans are still animals and much of our thinking is still influenced by our primal instincts to find a mate for reproduction. If you look good, you are more attractive. Being attractive increases your chances to get sex. Simple, right? I’m adding another proof this time using science: according to a 2017 study performed on men, the more fruits they ate and the more they sweat, the more their smell was preferred by women.
5) Healthy Ageing Is About Healthful Eating
People often focus on your life expectancy. I mean, it sounds awesome to live until you’re 80, 90, 100 and even older! However, they often fail to consider how you will get to these stages of life. Will you still be able to walk, climb stairs, do chores, and cook for yourself? Or will your life consist of sitting on a chair or bed for decades, until death claims you? How about taking control of your health, nutrition and fitness NOW and making sure you live a long and healthy life?
6) Good Health Will Strengthen Your Whole Body
I have already mentioned it in the first point of this article but I will emphasize it again: your entire body will benefit from eating clean. You can rely on every cell of your body to make the most of everything it receives from the outside and inside. Better bones, stronger joints, stronger muscles, great circulation, great digestion, better heart health, better functioning brain and nerves… it is almost impossible to go wrong.
7) Eating Well Will Make You Able To Enjoy Life More
What if you never, or very rarely got sick? What if you could stand in the sun without getting burned, or enjoy the wind without having a sore throat and losing your voice? Imagine taking public transport or breathing polluted air and not having your throat tingle and making you throw up? We need to become disciplined about what we put on our plates. You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy more quality time with family, friends and loved ones.
8) Good Food Will Improve Your Energy
Everything works better when the body’s nutrients are properly partitioned. Because of this, you have more energy and can generate energy more efficiently, so that you wake up faster, live faster, think better, feel stronger and experience fewer low energy periods during the day or the week.
9) Healthy Food Will Improve Your Digestion
This one is not sexy but whatever: the reason why diarrhea or constipation occurs is because you put the wrong food and/or insufficient amount into your stomach. When everything is balanced and clean, your digestive track always improves. You should be aware that stomach pains, bloating, excessive gas, etc. are signs that something your stomach is digesting is not good for you.
10) A Clean Diet Will Improve Your Sleep
In an era full of sleep-deprived souls, eating healthy is actually part of the solution. If your hormones levels are balanced, your gut bacterias are fine, your micronutrients intake is enough, and with your fatigue levels checked: there are no reasons to not enjoy a good night of sleep long enough to make you recover and be ready for the next day, but not too long either to avoid feeling sluggish and ending up like an old person with a stiff back and knees. For further information on sleep, read these 10 tips on sleeping well.
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I can definitely help you with mastering your own nutrition and change your life. Make sure you check my services to get fast, sustainable results.
Your lightkeeper,
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