The Silver Era of Bodybuilding seems so far distant and yet so inspiring for all the magnificient athletes and training methods that were born and featured at the time. One of them was how they would use instinct and science at the time to create ‘training drink’ to help them support and fuel their workouts, […]
My Bodybuilding Diet for Strength and Health
Diet comes from ancient greek “diata” meaning “way of life, regiment, dwelling” and doesn’t limit itself to what we ingest, but to our whole lifestyle. For bodybuilding, strength and health, we see thousands of different diet and lifestyle that, if they are honest and helpful toward the people yearning to learn, more or less the […]
How to Not Get Fat during Holiday Season
Here it is: that time of the year where food is EVERYWHERE. Sweats, tasty meat, potatoes, cakes, sugar, sodas, alcohol… It is that time of the year when so-called fitness nutritionists, experts, coaches will give their absolute/ultimate/best advice regarding how to not look like a round ball after a few days ie. eat normally during […]
The Old School Vince Gironda Meat and Eggs Diet for Fat Loss, Improved Mood and Hormonal Health
Let’s tackle one of the most famous old-school diet in the bodybuilding industry: Vince Gironda’s Meat and Eggs Diet. Vince Gironda, nicknamed the “Iron Guru”, was an extreme and strange character of the bodybuilding scene, especially during the Golden Era in the ’60s, even though he was active since the ’50s during the Silver Era […]
10 Amazing Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Hey! It has been years since I have known of this kind of diet. In fact, I tried it before when I was younger but gave it up when I went to college. Afterward, I resumed it and benefited a lot from it… and had to stop it once more because of school. With a […]
The Ultimate Diet Guide in 8 Steps
Hello there, Prior to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and then a Sport Nutritionist, and as someone who has always been lean and on the lighter side of the scale, diet had long been an enigma to me. This is why I wrote this full, complete, ultimate diet guide. But first, a bit of context. […]