Aye! In this final part of the “Home Training in Confinement” epic saga (just kidding), I’ll address the million-dollar question: how did our ancestors manage to be so strong and jacked? Be it through books, films, songs, guides, paintings or drawings, you must have come across antique Greek statues, ancient myths, old legends and well-known […]
Home Training in Confinement – Part 3: Military Edition
On your feet, Soldier! The “Covid-19” code-named war is raging outside. Time to read the third article of my series on home training, in which we already saw some incredible shapes built either by athletes actually getting paid to stay in top shape, or by detainees who have more time to sit on their hands. […]
Home Workout in Confinement – Part 2: Prison Training Edition
Hi there! Still mourning over your home detention? Well, let’s talk about real detention then. In the first article of this series about home workout with little to no equipment, I highlighted that you shouldn’t be afraid and/or feel limited by the restricted amount of training equipment and possibilities that you are dealing with. There […]
Home Workout in Confinement – Part 1: Athletes’ Edition
Aye, mate! So, except if you live under a rock, you can’t possibly have missed all the global mobilization to slow down and prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am no scientist, nor virus expert or anything close or distant related to this. However, I do know one thing or two about home […]
How to Lower and Better Manage Cortisol Levels
Hiya mates! After celebrating Yule, every new year brings its share of usual good resolutions. Here’s an article to help you kickstart this year on a good path, avoid collisions and bring your ship safely to harbor… onto many years yet to come! Understanding and monitoring your cortisol levels will definitely improve your overall wellness, […]
How to Not Get Fat during Holiday Season
Here it is: that time of the year where food is EVERYWHERE. Sweats, tasty meat, potatoes, cakes, sugar, sodas, alcohol… It is that time of the year when so-called fitness nutritionists, experts, coaches will give their absolute/ultimate/best advice regarding how to not look like a round ball after a few days ie. eat normally during […]